

Are moms who co-sleep likely to feel depressed?

Moms who sleep with their children after 6 months may be more likely to feel depressed.

Worrying about their babies sleep and the thoughts of being criticised on how they are with their children can have it's toll on their own sleep.

Regardless of the latest parenting trends it is vital to find sleeping arrangements that suit the whole family to ensure everyone gets adequate sleep. 

In many countries co-sleeping is normal but in the UK and USA it tends to be frowned upon. In actual fact it's fine as long as both parents are on board and everyone is getting good sleep. It is your own business how you choose to bring up your child after all!

Research does however say that mothers who co-sleep with their babies after 6 months report feeling about 76% more depressed than those mothers who had moved the baby into another room. They also reported they felt more criticised or judged for their sleeping habits.

The full study appears in Infant and Child Development and highlights that it isn't about whether co-sleeping is good or bad, but about the importance of getting the right sleeping arrangements and not neglecting your partner.

Source Penn State